A new Reformed church
in and for St. Louis

Making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded

Matthew 28:19-20

Our vision is to celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ as we witness to Jesus and follow him in obedience.


The gospel is an announcement of God’s permanent victory over sin and death in and through the person of Jesus Christ—and we believe the gospel message about who Jesus Christ is and what Jesus Christ has done can and does transform the life of any person, anywhere. The good news of Jesus Christ is the truest and greatest hope of the world, and we want to actively tell others about this good news and witness to the transformative power of Christ’s love through our acts of compassion and pursuit of justice.

We will also witness to the good news of Jesus by being a different sort of community. Our instincts are to hide in sin, guilt, and shame (to hide our failings, to hide from one another, and, ultimately, to hide from God), and to guilt and shame others when they do not meet our expectations. To fight these instincts, we commit to engage in intentionally honest, hopeful, Christ-centered fellowship where we can find grace, healing, strength, and encouragement from the Lord Jesus Christ and each other.


The glorious and living God has been made known in the person of Jesus Christ, and it is this good news—the good news that God has come to us in Jesus and saved us from sin and death—that we celebrate. As a fellowship of believers, we will seek God’s face every Sunday to celebrate who God is and proclaim the good news of what God has done for us in Jesus. Our weekly worship will be reliant upon Holy Scripture and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. God’s Word is true, and in it we find the path of life; the Sacraments nourish us along this path.


All of life should be marked by a turning away from sin and a turning toward Jesus. The good news of Jesus Christ is not simply about “getting into heaven” or “being a good person.” Believing in Jesus is the beginning of a new life of faithful obedience and joyous service to the triune God as made known in Jesus Christ. Following Christ does not mean we believe at one moment and then move on to our own “good work.” Rather, following Jesus means steadily comprehending and treasuring all that God has made known and done in Jesus Christ, with the entirety of our lives transformed as we know and love Jesus more and more.

8:45 am / service
9:30 am / coffee

4543 Magnolia Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63110

Sunday Services


We’d love to connect and share about the vision of Christ Fellowship Church. Reach out to learn more about our services and gatherings or to connect with our team.

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